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The Nature of the Congregation


The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas is a traditional Catholic institute of women religious who, by the observance of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, apply themselves to acquire Christian perfection.


The special object of the Congregation is to assist in the preservation and the propagation of the Faith in these troubled times. For this end, the Congregation is devoted to the Catholic education of the youth. The Sisters, therefore, have the teaching of truth at heart.

Fundamental Principles

The Congregation is organized according to pre-Vatican II standards. The Congregation professes that Vatican II and the doctrinal, disciplinary, and liturgical reforms that have proceeded from it are substantial alterations of the Catholic Faith. It professes that these heretical, evil, and blasphemous reforms can in no way proceed from the Roman Catholic Church, since she is infallible in her doctrines, her disciplines and her liturgical worship. Thus, the Congregation rejects these reforms and adheres to traditional Catholic doctrine, discipline, and liturgy, pristine and untouched. The Congregation professes that the members of the Novus Ordo hierarchy, despite any and all appearances of authority, are not true Catholic popes nor true Catholic bishops, and do not possess the authority to rule, for they are the authors of the doctrinal, disciplinary and liturgical abominations which have invaded our holy places. 

The Life of the Sisters

The life in the community is not purely active nor purely contemplative, but rather a vita mixta,

or mixed life. The Sisters practice a life of common prayer, especially mental prayer and the recitation of the Divine Office. At the same time they carry on an active apostolate, especially giving themselves to the education of the youth. 

The Patron of the Congregation 


In view of its dedication to the teaching of the truth, the Congregation is placed under the titular patronage of  St. Thomas Aquinas, who, "enriched with all Divine and human sciences, justly compared to the sun, reanimated the earth by the bright rays of his virtues, while filling it with the splendor of his doctrine." The Sisters apply themselves to imitate the example of this "Mirror of Religious Perfection" and this "Sun of Truth" by the constant practice of humility and obedience and by serving their neighbor with the same light and warmth as that with which St. Thomas illuminated minds and enkindled virtue. 


The Medallion of the Sisters


At first profession the Sisters receive a gold-plated medallion of the sun. This emblem is worn in honor of that which was bestowed on our holy patron, St. Thomas Aquinas. The story of this incident is very beautiful. Fr. Albert of Brescia, a professor at Cologne, poured out many and frequent prayers, especially to the Blessed Virgin and to St. Augustine, that he might ascertain the Angelic Doctor's degree of glory. As he was kneeling before the altar, he beheld two figures before him, one wearing a miter, and the other clad in the Dominican habit: they were St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Thomas's habit was resplendent with precious stones, while on his head he bore a crown of gold and diamonds. From his neck there hung two chains, one of gold and one of silver; on his breast was a large carbuncle stone flashing rays of light like a sun. Then the figure with the miter addressed him. "God has heard our prayers. I declare to you that I am Augustine, a Doctor of the Church, sent to acquaint you of the glory of Thomas Aquinas who is reigning with me. He is my son, because he followed the teaching of the Apostle and my own, and he has illumined the Church with his learning. This is signified by the precious stones with which he is adorned. The shining jewel on his breast denotes the uprightness of intention with which he defended and proclaimed the Faith." 

The Sisters, then, wear this shining medallion on their persons as a constant reminder of their dedication to preserving and propagating the Faith for the glory of God. 



In becoming a religious Sister, four steps are taken: that of postulancy, novitiate, temporary profession, and final profession. During the postulancy, the young lady learns the routine of community life under the vigilance of the Mistress of Novices.

Religious Life


The Congregation has for its special end the preservation and propagation of the Faith. To this end, the principal work of the Sisters begins with the youth to whom the preservation of the Church will be entrusted.  


The word vocation is derived from the Latin vocare, "to call". A religious vocation is an invitation from Our Blessed Lord to dedicate one's life most especially to His service. 

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The first phase of the convent building project is nearing completion, and the chapel interior is well underway. Thanks to the immense generosity of our benefactors, the motherhouse is scheduled for occupancy in June of 2020. 


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With the ever- increasing number of  Sisters and students, the Congregation is in need of a larger convent and school. Please help us to rebuild by donating. 

Contact Us

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The Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas
26331 Rosecrans Street,
Brooksville, FL 34602


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